Saturday, August 14, 2010

commentary on comments

does anyone look at this blog? i have the fantasy that people are super interested and appreciate the innocence of my very amateur photography. but maybe no one is out there. maybe its not worthy of appreciation. i can't tell. i can't tell because no one leaves their cyberfootprint otherwise known as the "comment". maybe its just not comment-worthy.

my attention was drawn to the lack of comments on this blog, ironically, because of an actual comment left by gracieocho a few blogs ago (thanks, grace!). it was nice. refreshing. to have proof that someone was in fact out there felt like a victory of some sort. then i looked inward and realized that of the blogs i read/follow, rarely do i leave any commentary. i think i should start. i'm sure people would appreciate my apprectiation.

1 comment:

  1. been a while since i checked it here, but i am reading and LOVE all the "amateur photos". Keep going braddah!
