my wife and i decided to take kaleb (10 years old) to see this thing today. while we were in the parking lot of the theatre looking for parking, kammy mentioned how long it had been since we forked out the cashola to actually see a real movie. at an actual theatre. priorities change when you start having kids.
so you've all heard the hype about spike jonze and the controversy about this film, the rave reviews by ctitics, the un-rave reviews by lay-parents, the beautiful cinematography, this that and the other thing... well for me... it was... confusing. not so much the movie itself as far as plot/story line, although it was a bit open-ended, but emotionally. i think it was confusing because its not what is expected (formulaically)... which is why i think people don't like it and why the studio didn't want to release the original version. the people who don't like it don't like it because they don't get it. they want a traditional movie experience. art farts will pretend to get it, but is there anything to "get" really? besides the huge risk jonze took and the huger risk the studio took? i think they did a great job marketing this thing though. building the hype, creating mystery and controversy so that people became so friggin curious about this enigmatic, cinematic "masterpiece" that they'd fork out their hard earned dough and have conversations in parking lots about the last time they'd seen the inside of a movie theatre.
after the "experience" we (the adults) were left scratching our heads while young kaleb blurted, "i liked it," oh so nonchalantly.