Saturday, December 26, 2009
best buy? really? this is a best buy?
the name "best buy" is a completely misleading name bordering on false advertisment. i think i'll start calling them "jest buy". we'll see if if catches on.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
what the...? (continued)
what the...?
lets drink a beer
it makes my mind so clear
it takes me away from here
and theres a verse about a guy being sad because he knows his girl is out sleeping with another guy so he puts his head in his pillow. then he calls his friends for sympathy but they end up telling him to meet them at the bar in 25 minutes because they just got their paychecks.
there are more jems but i just can't remember. depressing tale of a delusional alcoholic in denial. unintentional comedy at its finest. that it was a local "jawaiian" jam goes without saying... which i just said. AUWE!
Friday, December 18, 2009
i wonder who won?

photos of both fighters after the bout. "holy asknmcaewrnjceoijdscmslwoeiurnkclsz!!!" is an understatement. i've only lived in hilo for 1/3 of my life but can't get rid of that pesky hilo pride. i suppose the fact that it was the first 1/3 of my life makes it harder to shake. either way you philosophize it, i still like my face undestroyed.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
stop, thief!
Saturday, November 28, 2009
the new vinsanity
i rarely watch regular season basketball, but i recently caught a few snippets of 2 games, both orlando coincidentally. vincey is a friggin ball hog. they have the most athletic big man (dwight howard) in the league and a true matchup nightmare in rashard lewis, but mr. carter insists on hoisting up low-percentage, mid-range garbage every time down the court. he doesn't even let them set up on offense! i was waiting for the commentators to say something about it but they never did.
vinsanity has a new meaning.
(in)security part deux
1. "okay, i'm a slight racist towards black people."
2. "when i moved here, i thought everybody was mean muggin me. not people like you, but the "darker ones". so i'd give 'em a mean look back. but then i realized they weren't mean muggin, thats just them."
3. "i was sorta disappointed that the guys out here didn't like to fight. they mostly talk sh*t like 'effin haole, effin haole' and they expect me to back down, but then i don't back down and then they go 'eff you eff you' and don't fight."
4. "when i drink i want action."
5. "i don't respect the guys in this company. they make me call 'em sarge and captain. this ain't the military. they're so serious, why don't they just become cops? do they like being disrespected and not having any power? after i get my degree i'm gonna be a cop, then to the feds... maybe US marshal, that'd be sick. my grandpa was a marshal. thats where i got my name. he wasn't nice. he was never around. he lost his wife. then got another one. she could cook. she was cool."
theres more but... maybe later.
turkey bowel 2009: the aftermath
we played 2 games. the warm up game: first team with 3 touchdowns wins. that took like 1.5 hours. the second game ("the real game"), we played to 4 TDs. that lasted like 20 minutes, we got smoked. i didn't really play in that one... no one wanted to play the center position (the guy who hikes the ball) so i did it. while our team huddled and made "plans" i just stood at the line of scrimmage and made fun of myself with the other team. i did that a few times and lost interest. spent the rest of the game sitting on the water cooler.
it could be sour grapes or it could just be that i'm old. or both. or...
Monday, November 23, 2009
turkey bowl 2009
testoterone is on full blast and things can get heated. dudes get chirpy and buttons get pushed. we'll see how it goes this year since i got the green light from wifey... should be fun, i heard some nutjobs are flying in from maui! other churches are bringing their best and my cousin in law and his little crew have been lifting weights and are ready to "lay some hammer." whatever, to be honest, most of these guys haven't played high school football even and are sorta living this one day fantasy.
i say i'm not gonna overdo it, but... i know how i can get. theres choke potential for me to go overboard trying to hold it down for the old guys. hopefully we all survive. pray for me!
Saturday, November 21, 2009
it's greek to me: the short version
now i'm thinking we should just fake it. did i mention we're competing against 11 other groups who are assigned different cultures/languages? are the judges really gonna know or do the legwork to find out the legitamacy of what we're singing?
fake or no fake?
Friday, November 13, 2009
the 19 year-old (in)security guard
i work at a hotel and at night we have one security guard who patrols several hotels. our newest guard, i don't even know his name, is in the building patrolling as i type. earlier this evening, in a very one-sided conversation, he explained to me his workout schedule, how he spent last nights shift "macking on" 3 australian chicks who said he was "so smooth", how pleasantly surprised he is that since being employed (3 weeks) as a security guard its lead to him being laid once "with more to come", and how he got drunk 2 nights ago and got kicked out of denny's.
muscles, macking, oofing, and drinking. maybe these stories are made up, maybe they aren't, but is it really appropriate to tell them to a stranger? i guess it is if you're insecure about yourself and think that these "accomplishments" will gain you some sort of wink-and-nod, invisible, man-pat-on-the-back. i'm not sure if there are any other circumstances under which it would be appropriate. maybe thats how 19 year-old dudes act these days. maybe its how they've always acted. in which case i'm old an out of touch, which isn't a bad feeling actually.
either way you slice it when the cookie is crubmling, this is like, my most favest blog title, like, ever.
mos def dropping a bit o' knowledge
this video posting is really not that hard. it makes me feel smart, which makes me feel dumb. anyway how can you not be a fan of this guy? see the whole shebang at
Sunday, November 8, 2009
metal mulisha: ronnie faisst
this is my first attempt at uploading video to this blog. did it work?
anyway ronnie faisst is a member of the metal mulisha, a small group of moto x riders who built a reputation on being over the top a-hole badasses. when i used to watch the x games i thought these guys were the worst. brian deegan ("the leader")eventually even started a brand out of it. due to circumstances larger than themselves they are now christian and God is turning the negative into a positive. go to to see the whole episode.
God is real.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
cardio shmardio
why can't these guys last 2 rounds? they all talk smack before the match and by the end of the fight they can't even stand up straight. 10 minutes of exertion can be taxing, but if this is your career, what the fooschnickens are you doing?
i rarely watch this show but tonight the hawaii guy was fighting and spike hyped it as the fight of the season so i tuned in. they punched each other pretty good but it was because they were both too tired to protect their faces with their arms/hands. i've seen more skills at a bar fight.
and hawaii man lost! so sad. i pau watch.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
where the wild things are: the review
so you've all heard the hype about spike jonze and the controversy about this film, the rave reviews by ctitics, the un-rave reviews by lay-parents, the beautiful cinematography, this that and the other thing... well for me... it was... confusing. not so much the movie itself as far as plot/story line, although it was a bit open-ended, but emotionally. i think it was confusing because its not what is expected (formulaically)... which is why i think people don't like it and why the studio didn't want to release the original version. the people who don't like it don't like it because they don't get it. they want a traditional movie experience. art farts will pretend to get it, but is there anything to "get" really? besides the huge risk jonze took and the huger risk the studio took? i think they did a great job marketing this thing though. building the hype, creating mystery and controversy so that people became so friggin curious about this enigmatic, cinematic "masterpiece" that they'd fork out their hard earned dough and have conversations in parking lots about the last time they'd seen the inside of a movie theatre.
after the "experience" we (the adults) were left scratching our heads while young kaleb blurted, "i liked it," oh so nonchalantly.
Friday, October 16, 2009
christian hosoi
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
the meltdown
Friday, September 18, 2009
birds of a feather...
two girls: dyed black hair, large framed shades, tatoos on their arms, tank tops, shorts and slippers. i assume that they were friends because their faces didn't look alike.
then 2 minutes later
two guys (i'm pretty sure these guys were a gay couple): crew cuts, same style facial hair, same color hair, same muscular build, tight tanktops, short athletic shorts, sneakers.
it made me think... are people attracted to other people romantically or not because we assume that fashion is an extension of ourselves OR do we tend to move in the same fashion direction as our friends as a consequence of our romantic/platonic growth? its probably none and i'm just overthinking this way to hard.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
kenzil edwards...
rant 1: "degeneration"
he suggests that society has degenerated to epic... or unepic proportions based on his observation of spinoff reality tv shows. in particular, vh1's triple spinoff. flava flav gets on the celebrity d-list version of the real world. he gets a spinoff dating show. the runner-up in that show gets a spinoff of her own with the exact same premise. in her show the two finalists get their own spinoff with the exact same premise and is currently on vh1. according to him, with each successive spinoff, the ghettoness has increased to the point where he considers it unwatchable. please note that he is a black man and that all main "characters" in these programs are also black. it embarrasses him.
rant 2: "violence induced amnesia?"
chris brown was recently on larry king live, where he declared that he doesn't remember "savagely beating rihanna." kenzil suggests several reasons for this: 1) he was so into it, so enraged that he blacked out. 2) he doesn't agree with the adjective, "savage". 3) he's lying. these are all not good for mr. brown. kenzil also was embarrassed for brown because he brought his mom on the show and she ended up crying a lot. kenzil thinks it's inevitable that chris brown will be torn to shreds by comedians for a long time. as a black man, kenzil is embarrassed.
modern day parable: opinion vs truth
the same is that of those who refuse the salvation of Jesus Christ. just because i don't believe someone did something for me doesn't make it untrue.
notepad vs memory
Friday, August 28, 2009
what are ribs for?
and if anyone is wondering why on earth i'd wear another mans undergarment... it makes me feel close to him.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
rick ross vs murs
so anyway, about murs. he's a LA rapper (livin legends crew) who is pretty much the complete opposite of ross. he has a song called "can it be" which is pretty good. rick ross bites the beat then pulls a gayball move and disses murs on the track! this led to a murs comeback song/video, but that's off topic.
now i was on's blog the other day and someone posted a rick ross video where one of ross' "friends," the guy who spits the third verse, is a murs look-a-like! he's a gangsterized version... with the crazy dreadlocks and everything! needless to say, the song is classically and predictably crappy, but i couldn't believe it and i'm still not sure what to make of it. sadness? yes. i feel sad for hip-hop.
Friday, July 17, 2009
scripture(s) o' the day
-Psalm 138:8
here's what they said, unverbatim: "the level of dancer this year is so high now in the fifth season. they know so much more and want to learn, so it makes it easier for us."
let it be known that i can't dance. nor fight. when i see some of the stuff those dancers gotta do and learn in one week... it's up to 2 dances for the show and one group performance. whaaaaaaat!!!? not to mention the dance style switch up monkeywrench. lordy.
dancing and fighting. is the connection obvious? so i was thinking that obviously some of these dancers must train in different styles throughout the year leading up to the audition so that if they get put on, they have some basic knowledge of more than just... ballet for instance, y'know to give them the best shot at winning. they have to right? you can't convince me that these buggers can switch styles like that on the fly. no way. so thats the connection with TUF. the adoption of different styles/techniques/disciplines in one mind, one body. of course you can't choreograph a friggin fight, but to be most effective, an understanding of a mix of different martial arts (offensive and defensive) usually provides a fighter the best chance of not getting knocked/choked out. maybe they should have a show called "so you think you can scrap."
did any of this make sense?
Friday, July 10, 2009
back in the day, like 5 years ago on myspace i had this awesome group of bloggers called "blog it up!"... friends of friends of friends (stangers really) and we actually would get together and meet in person and do stuff. it was fun and dork-worthy. i quit myspace cold turkey, though and since then it has become what it has become. do i miss it? not really, but seeing kaycee reminds me a little of that era.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
scripture(s) o' the day
-Luke 9:24
- maurice the waikiki postman on the ever increasing pace of life.
"i love normal stuff."
- nick cannon as host of americas got talent on a the eriam sisters and their parents.
-tony the tiger on frosted flakes.
MJ-ed out
have a nice day!
remember in forest gump, when he's running across america and a truck splashes mud all over his face, then some dude gives him a yellow tshirt, which he uses to wipe the mud and when forest hands the tshirt back to the guy he says, "have a nice day," and there's a smiley face mud imprint/stencil on the shirt?
okay, today we were driving along the ala wai and some lady wearing a heather grey tshirt was walking on the sidewalk with a backpack slung over her right shoulder. her back was sweaty, which is understandable since honolulu is a hot and humid city, but what made me stare, then laugh as we rolled by is that the sweat marks formed a happy face. there were two spots near her shoulder blades, and a long "smile" at her waistline!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
tree of um
Monday, June 8, 2009
Negativity: It's Contagious
watch out for those complainers, man, watch out.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
trav says:
Hows the Hilo family doing? Hope the trip was fun! Sorry took so long to reply, I just got internet yesterday.
L.A. is alright. I thought it was going to be a bit of a culture shock but it's not that much different than Hawaii.
However, there seems to be an abundance or surplus of Mexicans here, Diga me! muy bien! Warren and Pisha were like why are there so many of them just hanging outside of Home Depot.
I just checked out your blog, its an eye grabber.
Hugs and Kisses!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
the movie critic
bruce wayne meets lucious fox and "borrows" a prototype chest armor thing that is bullet proof and yada yada yada. in the train/subway scene, rachel accidentally tasers batman but its rendered useless because, of course, hes wearing the armor. later in the movie, batman gets into an obligatory fist fight with the scarecrow, who is not a superhero at all mind you, hes a nerd basically, who invented a neurotoxin-hallucinogen gas thing. anyway in the fight, batman is affected by body blows. he grunts and flops around like a stomach punch from a nerd really hurts even though hes wearing the armor. huh?
Hilo ramblings: part 1
here are some of the main reasons i'd like to move back:
1. we have land to build a house.
2. i'd love to see my brother and sister grow up, participate in their lives a little.
3. the grandparents are getting older and i'd like to spend as much time with them as possible.
4. so kaleb can play outside all day.
one more thing i noticed is not just that everyone in hilo has a nice big yard, by honozoolu standards, but that 99% of the yards are well-groomed and nicely landscaped. my theory is that 1. people actually take pride in their property and 2. the pace of life is such that one can maintain a large property without feeling rushed or stressed or feel the need to procrastinate because of some other, more pressing issue.
maybe it's this pace that causes/affects both handsome properties AND the movie-worthy scandals. hmm.
oh let me tell you about my boy seth. this kid is a soldier. he's a warrior. a champ. or maybe he has no pain receptors. the night we arrive(thursday), he's off playing in my sister's room and messes with a mirror... those sorta full length ones that get mounted on walls. apparently this ones not so well-mounted and it crashes onto his face. i guess the frame of it bashed his mouth and caused his teeth to gash open his inner lip. it was bad. i had to stop myself from panicking. but as soon as we got the bleeding to stop he was fine. the next morning we woke up and looked at it and it was worse-looking aka gross. the gash was full of white stuff and it was more swollen... we took him to the hospital it was so bad-looking. but the docs said they don't stitch anything inside the mouth and so all we could to was montior it, wash it out with salt water a few times a day and so we did. you would think that salt water would sting an open wound like that, but seth was more irritated by the taste than anything. soldier. by monday, just 4 days later, when we asked to check it, he wouldn't let us. he insisted that it was "all pau, daddy." warrior. today, not even a week later, it looks like a coldsore. thats it. done. now i cannot fail to mention God in all of this. sethie handled the pain, but we prayed and prayed for his healing - a quick recovery and no infections... the mouth can be a dirty place. anyway i can't explain it. i've been stitched up many times and even with the stitches it's taken longer to heal than a week. if the cut was on his forehead he would've definitely needed stitches. so thank God that everything worked out and for blessing us with such an awesome little bugger who takes a lot of the stress out of child-raising. for visual reference, see the "sayonara" entry, hes the brown haired one (2.5 years old).
this is long, i'll stop now.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Thursday, May 21, 2009
scripture(s) o' the day
Romans 12:2
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Saturday, May 16, 2009
scripture(s) o' the day
2 Corinthians 12:9
wheres the atm machine?
baseball player x had 2 rbi's
it's 9pm at night.
uncomon sense
diagnosis: clogged arteries.
treatment: angioplasty.
recovery: 2 months off of work, low-cholesterol diet, rest
after one month he visits his doctor, who tells him that his recovery is going well and that, "he can do whatever he wants now." when the man gets home from seeing the doc, he straps on some shoes and goes jogging. he jogs until he's winded, then stops to rest. then he runs some more until he needs more rest. by the time he gets home from his little run his vision is blurry and he can barely bend over to untie his shoes. oh, did i mention that prior to his angioplasty his level of exercise was... none/zero.
i wish this story wasn't true.
in stitches
chris harvey is an aussie preacher living in texas and is on oahu this weekend speaking at our church. he is ridiculous. he roasted uncle ron about this incident for 10-15 minutes non-stop... in church! i was cry-laughing. i saw aunty debbie massaging her jaw in between one-liners.
Friday, May 15, 2009
scripture(s) o' the day
Romans 5: 3-4
reverse stupidity
scenario: me - hotel worker (front desk). lady (white) approaches and says "cannamine." i assume this is her last name and i also assume it is italian-ish. i look through the registration cards... no dice. her husband appears beside her and i realize whats going on. he is hapa. his last name is kanamine.
what goes through my mind: okay... does he just let her say it like that? does he say it like that? does he know that she says it like that? maybe where she's from it's easier to just say it like that because mainlanders are ethnically clueless.
by trying to help me, she actually didn't help me.
Friday, May 8, 2009
issue 1: black men x skinny jeans
i don't get this collabo. chris brown popped my bm x sj cherry when i saw him on tv at some awards show. he was rockin a black pair. then i witnessed kanyes urban cowboy all demin get-up when he performed on american idol. i get that skinny jeans are "in". and i get that men in the rap/r&b music industry (many of whom are black) are... "gangster-ish" or "urban" or "from the inner city". whatever. what i don't get is why (especially these guys) they'd try to chase of follow the fad, but hold on to their pants-saggin' persona. if you're gonna rock the sj's you gotta wear em right. saggin' the sj's look plain ridiculous. the point could be made that their butts are too big. or too high. both good points, but then again, no man with a big/high butt should be wearing skinny jeans!
issue 2: the neo zapp & roger genre
what on earth is going on? t-pain blew it up. then kanye. now jaime foxx? we've really dumbed down as a nation when kids buy crap/music that isn't even the person's real voice. i get that t-pain had his run. and i get that kanye can't sing. but jaime foxx? jaime foxx!!? again, i was watching american idol when i heard him singing his new release... i guess its a song about alcohol. i kept thinking that electronic crap was gonna cut off at some point, but it never did. i was amazed. i sat there thinking this guy is supposed to be a genius, right? the acting, the piano stuff, the singing. this dude can really sing. who told him this was a good idea and why did he listen? and why is he singing about alcohol? is he singing about alcohol? whats he saying? its like if eminem started rapping like fred durst or kid rock just because rap-rock was "in".
maybe what bothers me is the sellout-ness of it all. and if you wanna know who's gonna win second place in this years american idol, its adam lambert. the last two years the person i picked to win came in second. so there.